Održavanje konferencija združenih PhD studija na University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, Eisenstadt, Austria (25. svibnja 2023. godine)

Dana 25. svibnja 2023. godine održavaju se međunarodne znanstvene konferencije na University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, Eisenstadt, Austria i to u okviru International Joint Cross-Border PhD Programme in International Economic Relations and Management 9th International Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students and Early Stage Researchers te International Cooperative Cross-Border Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in Educational and Communication Sciences 6th International Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students and Early Stage Researchers for Educational & Communication Sciences.

Međunarodne znanstvene konferencije imaju za cilj predstaviti i raspraviti najnovija istraživanja doktoranada i mladih znanstvenika koji studiraju u području ekonomije, međunarodnih odnosa i menadžmenta i inovacija u okviru združenog doktorskog studija Međunarodni ekonomski odnosi i menadžment te u okviru združenog doktorskog studija Obrazovne i komunikacijske znanosti najnovija istraživanja doktoranada i mladih znanstvenika u području obrazovnih i komunikacijskih znanosti. Konferencija omogućuje doktorandima da prezentiraju rezultate svojih istraživanja u tijeku i istovremeno dobivaju povratne informacije od drugih kolega, kao i uglednih profesora i stručnjaka s partnerskih sveučilišta. Svrha je pružiti forum za razmjenu aktualnih znanja i iskustava u različitim područjima ekonomskih i menadžment istraživanja. Doktorandi se potiču da pripreme i prezentiraju svoj dosadašnji istraživački rad, koji će biti objavljen u dvostruko slijepo recenziranom zborniku radova.

On May 25, 2023, an International scientific conference will be held at University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, Eisenstadt, Austria, within the framework of International Joint Cross-Border PhD Programme in International Economic Relations and Management 9th International Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students and Early Stage Researchers te International Cooperative Cross-Border Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme in Educational and Communication Sciences 6th International Scientific Conference for Doctoral Students and Early Stage Researchers for Educational & Communication Sciences.

The aim of international scientific conferences is to present and discuss the latest research of doctoral students and young scientists studying in the field of economics, international relations and management and innovation within the framework of the joint doctoral study International Economic Relations and Management and within the framework of the joint doctoral study Education and Communication Sciences the latest research of doctoral students and young scientists in the field of educational and communication sciences. The conference allows doctoral students to present the results of their ongoing research and at the same time receive feedback from other colleagues, as well as from distinguished professors and experts from partner universities. The purpose is to provide a forum for the exchange of current knowledge and experience in various areas of economic and management research. Doctoral students are encouraged to prepare and present their previous research work, which will be published in a double-blind peer-reviewed collection of papers.
