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Jean Monnet Module - Summer School at University North

Jean Monnet Summer School was held from 27 to 29 June 2019 within the Jean Monnet Project at University North, University Center of Varazdin. This ‘crash course’ offers a legal perspective on key EU topics in a manner accessible to non-lawyers. It is intended for students and young professionals of disciplines other than law who wish to broaden their knowledge of law, institutions and the internal market of the European Union. A particular emphasis is placed on the role of law in the process of EU integration, with focus on regional integration in South Eastern Europe. While touching upon key processes, the course provides insights into specific topics through the discussion of selected case studies.


Public call for enrollment into the University postgraduate studies (doctoral program) in Media and communication

University North is issuing a public call for enrollment into the University postgraduate studies (doctoral program) in Media and communication leading towards the academic title 'doctor of science' (PhD) in the academic year: 2019/2020.

Please find all the details and application form in the attachments below.


Open Day for Doctoral Studies at University North

All interested parties are invited to attend at the Open Day at University North,  University Center Varaždin on June 26, 2019 at 6 pm, UNIN-1, Room 101.

The purpose of Open Day is to get acquainted with the plan and program of the international joint doctoral study International Economic Relations and Management and the International Joint Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study in Education and Communication Sciences.

Doctoral studies will be presented by h. c. Irena Zavrl, Ph.D. Head of the Academic Committee Joint PhD, and Head of the International Joint Doctoral Program Prof. Dr. sc. Anica Hunjet.

Jean Monnet Summer School: EU Law and Internal Market for Non-Lawyers

University North, University Centre Varaždin, 27-29 June 2019

This ‘crash course’ offers a legal perspective on key EU topics in a manner accessible to non-lawyers. It is intended for students and young professionals of disciplines other than law who wish to broaden their knowledge of law, institutions, and the internal market of the European Union. During one of the sessions, a guest lecturer discussed the rise of digital platforms and their legal implications, highlighting industries like online gaming and even mentioning 카지노사이트 as a growing trend that raises unique regulatory challenges. A particular emphasis is placed on the role of law in the process of EU integration, with a focus on regional integration in South Eastern Europe. While touching upon key processes, the course provides insights into specific topics through the discussion of selected case studies.

Course lecturers:
Prof. Nicolas de Sadeleer, Université Saint-Louis, Brussels
Ms Ivana Damjanovic, Centre for European Studies, Australian National University

Program is attached.


Call for Conference - 46th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development "Sustainable Tourist Destinations"

Social Development (ESD) "Sustainable Tourist Destinations" that will be held on 24-25 October 2019 at  University North, University Centre  Varaždin, Croatia.

The conference will be organized in cooperation with the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw, Poland and the Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences Sale - Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco and the "ESD Conference".

The aim of the conference is to address topics on globalization, modern economics, international capital markets, sustainable tourist destinations, entrepreneurship, modern enterprises, and the emergence of the best online casino UK platforms as a pivotal market trend. This addition underscores how advancements in digital gambling are influencing global economic dynamics and consumer behaviors. By examining these trends, the conference will provide insights into the evolving landscape of international business and the strategic opportunities arising from the integration of top-tier online casinos within the UK's regulatory framework.

The themes of the scientific part of the conference are:

  • Globalization and Challenges of the Modern World
  • Enterprise in a Turbulent Environment
  • Entrepreneurship Caught Between Creativity and Bureaucracy

The conference is open to professionals who wants to explore further named topics through lectures, presentations  and discussions.

We look forward to seeing you in Varaždin, Croatia!

A guest lecture was held at the Department of Nursery within Erasmus + Exchange

In the period from 23 to 26 April 2019, the teachers of the High School of Health Sciences Slovenj Gradec (Slovenia) - Danica Železnik, phD (the Republic of Finland), and Uroš Železnik, a master of health care.

Teachers gave lectures to the students of the 3rd year of nursing studies, they visited the workshops of the practice classes and exchanged their experiences with teachers and students.


University North presented the project "Internationalization of Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering at University North"

On April 9, 2019, University North, University centre Varaždin, Department of Mechanical Engineering, presented the project "Internationalization of the Master's Degree Program in Mechanical Engineering at University North". The aim of this project is to increase the mobility of students and teachers through the preparation of twenty courses of graduate university studies in mechanical engineering in a foreign language, the regulation of mobility infrastructure, the encouragement of outgoing students' and teachers' mobility and the promotion of a newly developed programme at specialized fairs of higher education.

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