
Instructions for authors who want to publish their works in the University North edition

In accordance with the Regulations on publishing activities of University North the authors who want to publish their works as editions of the University should submit the following to the University Library of University North (Koprivnica or Varaždin):

- manuscript of the work in electronic form (in a standard format: doc, docx, pdf, rtf)
- completed application form for the University’s editions

The aforementioned Application form for the University’s edition is available at the University Library and on the website of the University (see attachments).

The application form must necessarily contain the required signatures, and can be submitted in print or scanned to the following e-mail address:

Should the submitted documents meet the criteria, the Commission proposes to the University Senate the inclusion of the work in the University’s Plan of the publishing activities. Should the Senate confirm the Commission’s proposal, the author will be delivered a Decision on issuing the work, and the work is going to be published.