General information


Department of Mechanical Engineering

The Department carries out an undergraduate professional study of “Mechanical Engineering” in the area of technical sciences that lasts for three years and upon the completion of which the student acquires 180 ECTS credits and the academic title ‘Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering’ ( The study program has been continuously carried out at the institution since 2005. For all the courses covered by the study plan and program, the syllabi with learning outcomes have been made; units and chapters analyzed during the courses have been defined, along with the student obligations, exam procedures and the criteria on the basis of which the final grade is given. The expected learning outcomes and all other information on the courses are publicly available to students on the website (

Through an accredited curriculum and program (a conducted procedure of re-accreditation followed by the process of external quality evaluation), the Department of Mechanical Engineering educates future engineers to develop competencies which enable the performance of various jobs in the field of mechanical engineering that are related to the preparation and execution of processes and their maintenance. Furthermore, they develop competencies which enable them to take up employment in the fields of engineering drawing and documenting (the skills of working with AutoCad); planning of various technical systems; project design and project management; and they acquire the basic economic knowledge and skills. In order to achieve these objectives, well-equipped laboratories, practicums, manufacturing facilities and power plants are used. The prospective mechanical engineers can take up employment in the fields of operational and technological preparation of production; organization and technology of machinery and equipment maintenance; quality control and logistics support in production and other processes; management of CNC technologies; sales and purchase of machinery and spare parts; the use of modern computer equipment in the profession.