List of projects
The implementation of the Jean Monnet project ‘The Implementation of ISO 9001:2015 Quality in Higher Education Institutions by Applying the QM & CQAF Model’ has begun
University North, as the project coordinator, and seven international higher education institutions from Russia, Belarus, the Netherlands and Sweden, have begun the implementation of the project ‘The Implementation of ISO 9001:2015 Quality in Higher Education Institutions by Applying the QM & CQAF Model’.
The total value of the Project is more than EUR 330,000 and will last for 3 years. The main objective of the Project is to achieve the quality of education through the development and implementation of the QM & CQAF model customized for the partner higher education institutions and to transfer the model to other higher education institutions in partner countries.
Other participants in the Project alongside University North are as follows: Ivanovo State University (IvSU), Tomsk State University (TSU), and the Pastukhov State Academy of Industrial Management (Pastukhov Academy), Russia; Belarus State Economic University (BSEU), Minsk, and the Republican Institute for Vocational Education (PRTR), Belarus; Folkuniversitetet, Göteborg, Sweden; and Revalento, Tilburg, the Netherlands.
The Project of the network of University North and international partner institutions has been accepted by the European Commission and its Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) under the Erasmus + program for education, training, youth and sport and Jean Monnet sub-program focused on lifelong learning that now operates in 77 countries around the world at more than 800 universities.
During the project the aim is to educate and train motivated and competent staff for quality management, and to create and develop a guide for the implementation of the QM & CQAF model containing the description, the methodology of implementation, recommendations, customizations, and performance indicators of implementation of the model in higher education institutions in accordance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).
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