General information


Department of Technical and Economic Logistics

The Department carries out an interdisciplinary undergraduate professional study of “Technical and Economic Logistics” in the area of technical sciences that lasts for three years and upon the completion of which the student acquires 180 ECTS credits and the academic title ‘Bachelor of Technical and Economic Logistics’ ( An accredited curriculum and program (a conducted procedure of re-accreditation followed by the process of external quality evaluation) has been carried out at the Department since 2007. For all the courses covered by the study plan and program, the syllabi with learning outcomes have been made; units and chapters analyzed during the courses have been defined, along with the student obligations, exam procedures and the criteria on the basis of which the final grade is given. The expected learning outcomes and all other information on the courses are publicly available to students on the website (

Since the efficiency of any modern economy significantly depends on the management of logistical processes, the need for Bachelors of Logistics Engineering is real and justified. Students of Technical and Economic Logistics, beside the general economics and specific logistics education, also receive significant technical education, which makes this study unique in the Republic of Croatia. The study is defined by obligatory and elective courses, with elective courses enabling a more effective adaptation of the study to the needs of the economy and interests of the students. The study looks at logistics as a coordination of movement of raw materials and products in the organizational, informational and traffic sense. In the modern economy, the experts on logistics govern rounded logistics processes – from raw material procurement and production to the sales of finished products.

The Bachelors of Technical and Economic Logistics can find employment in logistics management, warehouse disposition and transport disposition, management of freight forwarding, enterprise logistics and similar assignments in companies. The focus of this professional study is placed on acquiring practical knowledge and skills. Reaching that goal is only possible through the exchange of experiences of a partner company and the HE institution by assigning actual projects that could improve the business of a company. Partner companies from different areas provide a wide range of different functions of logistics and new views that, with regard to high professional qualifications, lead to the competence of action. The future Bachelors of Technical and Economic Logistics could find employment in logistics management, warehouse layout and disposition of transport, logistics within the company, purchasing management, etc.